Thursday 1 September 2011


As you approach Carnarvon the first signs of cropping greet you with fields of green, Carnarvon is famous for Banana's and other fresh fruit and vegies. We were lucky to be here on a Saturday when the locals bring their produce to market, banana's for $6.50 a kilo and tomato's with flavour, fabulous, also you can buy wine in any shape or size without restrictions!

Carnarvon is a fishing town and the old original jetty goes out for a mile, it is now only a tourist attraction, you can take the train ride out and back for $7 or walk it for $4.
The end of the wharf is in need of repairs so we were unable to go all the way out

As the train can no longer turn around the driver has to reverse all the way back to the depot using his mirrors

The wharf is quite a famous fishing spot and many a large jewwie has been caught here, Mick and I did have a fish early and caught a heap of tiny bream and then Mick pulled up a large mud crab and somehow managed to flick him up onto the wharf before he let go of the bait! He was yummy.
The original lighthouse keepers cottage is open to view and has been restored and furnished with original pieces, a very interesting display.
Carnarvon is set on the river and the town is very pretty, everything surrounds the water.

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